Multifamily & Residential
Eligible property types include apartments, mixed-use properties, senior living facilities, manufactured housing communities, mobile home parks, assisted living centers. Residential Portfolios, Bulk Condominiums, Residential Track development.
FHA, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and portfolio products provided by Banks, Debt Funds, Hedge Funds, PE groups.
This non-recourse program offers the highest leverage (80% LTV alone, 87.5% LTV with attached mezzanine piece) the lowest long term fixed rates, interest-only periods & aggressive underwriting for stabilized multifamily properties. (DSCR 1.15 and above)
This non-recourse program is aimed at undervalued property, or recently improved properties. This program enables the borrower to obtain additional funding draws (equity capture) as the operating income of the property increases over time. This program offers competitive leverage, the low adjustable or long term fixed rates as well.
Flex (Senior Stretch)
This full-recourse program offers both competitive long term fixed rates or short term adjustable rates, high leverage, flexible underwriting and quick closings. LTV’s to 95%, no minimum DSCR.
Portfolio Products
Construction Line Revolvers, Bridge Loans, Bulk Residential Portfolio Loans.